Welcome to MomoMecha

Your Ultimate Gundam Collection Companion!

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Explore Your Gundam Universe:

Wishlist Management

Never forget the next Gundam kit you've got your eye on. Our intuitive wishlist feature helps you keep track of your dream Gundams and ensures you never miss an opportunity to add them to your collection.

Backlog Organization

Is your Gundam backlog starting to resemble a small army? MomoMecha lets you organize and prioritize your unbuilt kits, so you'll always know which one to tackle next. Say goodbye to the dust gathering on your precious models.

Built Gundam Catalog

Showcase your hard-earned creations in a dedicated catalog. Share your built Gundams with fellow collectors and take pride in your unique collection.

Gundams on Sale

Discover exclusive deals on Gundam model kits and accessories. We scout the web to bring you the latest discounts and offers from your favorite retailers, helping you save money while expanding your collection.

Why Choose MomoMecha?

User-Friendly Interface

Our platform is designed with Gundam collectors in mind. The user-friendly interface ensures you can navigate effortlessly and manage your collection efficiently.

Secure and Private

We prioritize your data security and privacy. Your Gundam collection is your business, and we're here to help you manage it, not to intrude.


Join a thriving community of Gundam enthusiasts. Share your builds, exchange tips and tricks, and connect with fellow collectors who share your passion.